Probability Theory: The Logic of Science *US HARDCOVER* by E. T. Jaynes, G. Larry Bretthorst - {9780521592710} {0521592712}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: E. T. Jaynes, G. Larry Bretthorst
  • ISBN13: 9780521592710
  • ISBN10: 0521592712
  • Type: Hardcover Book.

By: E. T. Jaynes, G. Larry Bretthorst Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Probability Theory: The Logic of Science, though not a complete manuscript, offers a unique lens into Edwin Jaynes' groundbreaking approach to probability. This essay delves beyond traditional mathematical treatments, presenting probability as a cornerstone of logical reasoning under uncertainty.

Key Features:

  • Bayesian Renaissance: Jaynes champions Bayesian probability as a natural extension of logic, emphasizing its role in updating beliefs based on evidence. He critiques frequentist approaches for potential inconsistencies and misinterpretations.
  • Plausible Reasoning: Probability, according to Jaynes, quantifies the plausibility of propositions given available information. This focus on belief updates fosters a deeper understanding of the role of probability in scientific and everyday reasoning.
  • MaxEnt: Embracing Uncertainty: The Maximum Entropy principle plays a central role, advocating for maximizing uncertainty (entropy) subject to known constraints. This leads to unbiased inferences even with limited information, highlighting the crucial role of uncertainty in knowledge building.

Potential Value:

  • Foundational Understanding: This essay provides a valuable historical and philosophical perspective on Bayesian statistics, laying the groundwork for deeper understanding for those interested in the field.
  • Critical Thinking Catalyst: By questioning established frequentist methods, Jaynes stimulates critical thinking and encourages deeper reflection on the foundations of scientific inference.
  • Mathematical Exploration: For readers with a strong mathematical background, the essay offers rich and challenging discussions, delving into complex mathematical concepts related to probability theory.


  • Incomplete Nature: As an unfinished manuscript, the work lacks the full coherence and development one might expect from a complete book.
  • Technical Difficulty: The depth of mathematical discussions might pose challenges for readers without a strong foundation in mathematics.
  • Uneven Coverage: Due to its unfinished nature, topics may be covered with varying degrees of detail and completeness.

Overall, Probability Theory: The Logic of Science offers a stimulating and thought-provoking journey into the realm of probability, particularly for those interested in the Bayesian approach and its philosophical underpinnings. However, readers should be aware of the limitations inherent to an unfinished manuscript and consider their own mathematical background before embarking on this intellectual adventure.