Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines *US HARDCOVER* by Dieter Huzel, David Huang - {9781563470134}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Dieter K Huzel, David H Huang,
  • ISBN13: 9781563470134
  • ISBN10: 1563470136
  • Type: Hardcover Book.

By: Dieter K Huzel, David H Huang, Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.



This comprehensive guide delves into the practicalities of designing liquid-propellant rocket engines, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world engineering applications. Author Dieter K. Huzel equips readers with the necessary skills to navigate all stages of engine design, development, and integration with launch vehicles.

Key strengths:

  • Comprehensive scope: Covers the entire design process, from individual components to integrated engine systems and their application in flight vehicles.
  • Practical focus: Provides detailed instructions on component design, analysis, and selection, incorporating real-world examples and industry insights.
  • Physics-based understanding: Offers a solid foundation in the underlying physical principles governing rocket engine operation and performance.
  • Systems engineering perspective: Emphasizes the interconnectedness of subsystems and their impact on overall engine performance.
  • Industry relevance: Discusses contemporary design practices, materials, and technologies used in modern rocket engines.

Content overview:

  • Part I: Fundamentals: Establishes the core principles of rocket propulsion, performance metrics, and the governing laws of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. It also explores combustion theory, injector design considerations, and material selection for various engine components.
  • Part II: Component Design: Provides detailed analysis and design strategies for crucial components like injectors, combustion chambers, nozzles, pumps, and turbopumps. Additionally, it covers heat transfer and cooling systems, control systems, and instrumentation for efficient engine operation.
  • Part III: Engine Systems Design: Guides readers through integrating individual components into a cohesive engine system. This includes selecting the optimal engine cycle, optimizing performance, establishing control and health monitoring systems, and implementing testing and qualification procedures.
  • Part IV: Flight Vehicle Application: Explores the integration of the engine with the launch vehicle and spacecraft, considering performance requirements for diverse mission profiles. The section also discusses ground testing and flight qualification processes for launch vehicles.

New in the latest edition (if applicable):

  • Updated content to reflect advancements in materials, technologies, and design practices.
  • Expanded coverage of potential future developments like electric propulsion and reusable rocket engines.
  • Inclusion of case studies and examples from recent rocket engine development programs, further enhancing real-world relevance.