General Aviation Aircraft Design *US HARDCOVER* 2nd Ed. Applied Methods and Procedures by Snorri Gudmundsson - {9780128184653}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Snorri Gudmundsson
  • ISBN13: 9780128184653
  • ISBN10: 0128184655
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Language : English
  • Item Weight: 2.38
  • Dimensions: 21.8 x 27.9 x 5.8
  • Pages: 1142
  • Edition: 2

By: Snorri Gudmundsson Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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General Aviation Aircraft Design: Applied Methods and Procedures, 2nd Edition

By Snorri Gudmundsson


This comprehensive reference, General Aviation Aircraft Design: Applied Methods and Procedures, 2nd Edition by Snorri Gudmundsson, provides a practical handbook for engineers engaged in the design and analysis of general aviation aircraft. The book offers a step-by-step approach to the design process, incorporating both conventional and cutting-edge methods.

Key Themes

  • Aircraft design process from initial sizing to performance analysis
  • Aircraft conceptual layout and structural considerations
  • Weight and balance calculations for general aviation aircraft
  • Powerplant selection and thrust modeling for gas turbines and propellers
  • Drag analysis and performance estimation techniques
  • Stability and control considerations for safe aircraft operation
  • Design for new technologies like electric airplanes


  • Equation/derivation/solved example format: The book structures each concept with a clear presentation of the underlying equation, followed by its derivation, and then concludes with a solved example for practical application.
  • Focus on practical methods: The emphasis is on providing practical methods and techniques that engineers can readily apply in their design work.
  • Wide range of aircraft classes: The book expands its coverage beyond conventional airplanes to include design considerations for seaplanes, biplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS), high-speed business jets, and electric airplanes.
  • Color illustrations and up-to-date content: The second edition incorporates color illustrations throughout and integrates the latest advancements in general aviation technologies.

Target Audience

  • Aerospace engineers working in general aviation design
  • Students in aerospace engineering programs interested in aircraft design
  • Professional aircraft designers seeking a practical reference guide
  • Anyone interested in the design process and challenges of general aviation aircraft


  • Practical and hands-on approach to aircraft design
  • Clear and concise explanations with step-by-step guidance
  • Broad coverage of various general aviation aircraft types
  • Incorporation of new technologies and design considerations
  • Reader-friendly format with illustrative examples

Chapter Headlines (Examples may vary)

  • Introduction to Aircraft Design
  • Aircraft Design Process
  • Aircraft Conceptual Layout
  • Aircraft Structural Layout
  • Aircraft Weight and Balance Analysis
  • Selecting the Powerplant
  • Thrust Modeling for Gas Turbines
  • Thrust Modeling for Propellers
  • Aircraft Drag Analysis
  • Aircraft Performance - Takeoff
  • Aircraft Performance - Climb
  • Aircraft Performance - Cruise
  • Aircraft Performance - Range
  • Aircraft Performance - Descent
  • Aircraft Performance - Landing
  • Longitudinal Stability and Control
  • Lateral and Directional Stability and Control
  • Design Optimization for Aircraft Wings

Closing Paragraph

General Aviation Aircraft Design: Applied Methods and Procedures by Snorri Gudmundsson remains a valuable resource for engineers and enthusiasts in the general aviation field. By offering a practical and systematic approach to aircraft design, the book equips readers with the tools and knowledge to bring their design ideas to life.