String Theory and M-Theory *US HARDCOVER* A Modern Introduction by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker - {9780521860697}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Schwartz
  • ISBN13: 9780521860697
  • ISBN10: 0521860695
  • Type: Hardcover Book.

By: Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Schwartz Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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This book delves into the fascinating world of string theory and M-theory, offering a comprehensive and up-to-date journey for those seeking to unravel its mysteries.

For whom: Graduate students and researchers in physics, especially those captivated by the potential of string theory and M-theory.

Key focus:

  • Building a foundation: Introduces the core concepts of string theory, including the shift from point particles to vibrating strings, exploring various string types.
  • Delving deeper: Covers advanced topics like supersymmetry, spacetime dimensions, and conformal field theory, providing a solid understanding of perturbative string theory and its limitations.
  • Modern frontiers: Explores D-branes, string dualities (transformations revealing connections between seemingly different theories), and the unifying M-theory.
  • Bridging theory and reality: Investigates applications of string theory in cosmology, particle physics, and black holes, while acknowledging the challenges and open questions that remain.
  • Exploring further: Discusses flux compactifications, the AdS/CFT correspondence, and black hole entropy, offering avenues for further exploration.

Key takeaways:

  • String theory and M-theory hold immense potential for unifying fundamental forces and understanding the nature of spacetime.
  • Grasping these theories requires advanced knowledge in physics and mathematics.
  • Despite its challenges, string theory/M-theory presents a fertile ground for groundbreaking discoveries about our universe.


  • Comprehensive: Covers both fundamental and advanced concepts.
  • Clear explanations: Offers detailed mathematical derivations for deeper understanding.
  • Engaging exercises: Includes numerous problems to solidify knowledge.
  • Extensive references: Provides resources for further exploration.


This book serves as a valuable resource for those seeking a profound understanding of string theory and M-theory. Its comprehensive nature, clear explanations, and engaging exercises make it an excellent reference for graduate students and researchers in the field. However, its complexity might be challenging for readers without a strong foundation in physics and mathematics.