Psychopharmacology *US HARDCOVER* 4th Edition by Jerry Meyer - {9781605359878} {1605359874}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Jerry Meyer
  • ISBN13: 9781605359878
  • ISBN10: 1605359874
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Item Weight: 0.002614
  • Pages: 816

By: Jerry Meyer Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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This comprehensive textbook delves into the intricate world of psychopharmacology, examining the interplay between psychoactive drugs, their behavioral effects, and underlying mechanisms. Written with an engaging tone and tailored for undergraduate students, the book offers a broad spectrum of knowledge, ranging from historical perspectives on drug use to cutting-edge research findings.

Key strengths of the book include:

  • Balanced Integration: It seamlessly blends historical, behavioral, and neurochemical viewpoints on drug action.
  • Clinical Focus: It highlights the practical applications of psychopharmacology in treating various disorders.
  • Critical Thinking: It encourages readers to actively analyze and evaluate research presented.
  • Engaging Format: The text incorporates self-study questions, clinical case studies, and interactive features (enhanced ebook version) to keep learners engaged.

Content Structure:

  • Part I: Foundations: Explores the history and fundamental concepts of psychopharmacology.
  • Part II: Neurochemical Landscape: Delves into the neurotransmitters and brain circuits impacted by drugs.
  • Part III: Major Drug Classes: Examines major categories like antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anxiolytics, analyzing their mechanisms of action, behavioral effects, and clinical applications.
  • Part IV: Exploring Frontiers: Discusses topics like addiction, drug abuse, and ethical considerations within the realm of psychopharmacology.