Low-Cost Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics *US HARDCOVER* by Ryane Englar, Sharon Dial - {9781119714507}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Ryane E. Englar,Sharon M. Dial
  • ISBN13: 9781119714507
  • ISBN10: 1119714508
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Pages: 368

By: Ryane E. Englar,Sharon M. Dial Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Low-Cost Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics
Authors: Ryane E. Englar and Sharon M. Dial

Key Themes: This book focuses on maximizing the diagnostic value of in-house, quick assessment tests (QATs) for veterinary care. It acknowledges the limitations of cost on comprehensive diagnostics and explores alternative approaches for effective patient evaluation.


Cost-Conscious Care: The book emphasizes strategies for veterinarians to deliver optimal care while being mindful of financial constraints for pet owners.
QAT Focus: It provides a detailed exploration of various in-house tests that can be performed quickly and affordably, offering valuable information for initial assessments.
Shared Decision-Making: The book highlights communication strategies to effectively discuss cost-effective options with pet owners and involve them in the decision-making process.
Clinical Applications: Practical guidance is offered on utilizing QATs for different body fluids (blood, urine, feces) and body cavity fluids, allowing for targeted diagnostics.
Target Audience: This book is primarily designed for veterinary practitioners, veterinary technicians, and veterinary students who want to improve their ability to deliver cost-effective and informative diagnostics.

Chapter Headlines (Examples):

Introduction to Cost-Conscious Care in Veterinary Medicine
Quick Assessment Tests (QATs) in Veterinary Practice
Performing In-House Blood Tests
Utilizing Urinalysis for QATs
Fecal Analysis for Cost-Effective Diagnostics
Communication Strategies for Shared Decision-Making
Closing Paragraph: Low-Cost Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics equips veterinary professionals with the knowledge and tools to navigate the financial realities of pet care. By emphasizing QATs and effective communication, the book empowers veterinarians to deliver valuable information for diagnoses while keeping costs in mind.