Tailings Management Handbook *US HARDCOVER* A LifeCycle Approach by Kimberly Finke Morrison - {9780873354905} {0873354907}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Kimberly Finke Morrison
  • ISBN13: 9780873354905
  • ISBN10: 0873354907
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Language : English
  • Item Weight: 2.235
  • Dimensions: 19 x 26 x 6

By: Kimberly Finke Morrison Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Tailings Management Handbook: A Life-Cycle Approach (2022) by Kimberly Finke Morrison


The Tailings Management Handbook: A Life-Cycle Approach, edited by Kimberly Finke Morrison, is a comprehensive guide to the responsible management of tailings facilities throughout a mine's life cycle. It combines the latest global principles for tailings management with in-depth contributions from leading experts.

Key Themes

  • Life-cycle Approach: The book emphasizes planning, design, operation, closure, and post-closure care of tailings facilities for long-term safety and environmental sustainability.
  • Global Standards: It incorporates best practices outlined in key industry standards like the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) guidelines.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The text acknowledges the importance of collaboration between engineers, scientists, and social stakeholders for effective tailings management.


  • Over 100 Expert Contributors: Leading professionals from various disciplines share their knowledge and experiences.
  • Life-Cycle Stages: Dedicated sections address each stage of a tailings facility's life cycle, from planning to closure.
  • Case Studies: Real-world examples showcase successful and cautionary tales in tailings management.
  • Beautiful Full-Color Design: High-quality visuals enhance understanding of complex topics.

Target Audience

This handbook is a valuable resource for:

  • Mining engineers responsible for tailings facility design and operation
  • Environmental scientists and consultants involved in tailings management plans
  • Regulatory agencies overseeing the mining industry
  • Social stakeholders concerned with the environmental and social impacts of mining


  • Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of tailings management.
  • Integration of global best practices and industry standards.
  • Emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration for effective solutions.
  • Practical guidance through real-world case studies.
  • Clear and engaging presentation with high-quality visuals.

Chapter Headlines (Some Examples)

  • Introduction to Tailings Management
  • Tailings Properties and Characterization
  • Tailings Facility Design and Construction
  • Tailings Operations and Monitoring
  • Closure and Post-Closure Care of Tailings Facilities
  • Environmental Management of Tailings Facilities
  • Social and Community Considerations in Tailings Management
  • Case Studies in Tailings Management

Closing Paragraph

The Tailings Management Handbook: A Life-Cycle Approach serves as a vital resource for all stakeholders involved in the mining industry. By promoting responsible tailings management practices, the book contributes to a more sustainable and safer future for mining operations around the world.