The Foundations of Chinese Medicine *US HARDCOVER* 3rd Ed. by Giovanni Maciocia 25th Anniversary - {9780702052163} {0702052167}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Giovanni Maciocia CAc(Nanjing)
  • ISBN13: 9780702052163
  • ISBN10: 0702052167
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Language : English

By: Giovanni Maciocia CAc(Nanjing) Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Giovanni Maciocia's renowned textbook, Foundations of Chinese Medicine, continues to empower Western audiences with a profound understanding of this ancient healing system. This fully updated and richly illustrated edition presents a systematic journey, guiding readers from fundamental principles to the diagnosis and management of diverse health conditions.

Key Highlights:

  • Structured Learning: The book progresses logically, starting with foundational concepts, exploring individual organ functions, and delving into diagnosis, pathology, pattern recognition, and treatment approaches.
  • Western-Friendly: Complex theories are explained clearly, making them accessible to those unfamiliar with Chinese medicine.
  • Bridging Traditions: Blending Maciocia's extensive clinical experience with current Chinese medicine texts and ancient sources, the book offers a unique perspective.
  • Enhanced Understanding: Pinyin equivalents clarify original terms, and over 1750 illustrations and tables reinforce key concepts.
  • Interactive Learning: Each chapter's learning outcomes guide readers, while case studies and histories bring theory to life.
  • Comprehensive Support: An extensive glossary defines terms, appendices offer prescriptions and bibliographies, and an accompanying website provides learning tools.
  • Author Expertise: Written by Giovanni Maciocia, a leading authority in Western Chinese medicine, the book ensures reliable and insightful information.

Additional Features:

  • Expanded Case Histories: Illustrative scenarios enhance practical understanding.
  • Updated Coverage: New clinical guidelines and acupuncture point combinations reflect current best practices.
  • Deeper Analysis: More detailed exploration of acupuncture point actions aids clinical application.
  • Pattern Recognition Guidance: Innovative tools support students in mastering traditional Chinese medicine patterns.

By offering a clear, structured, and evidence-based approach, Foundations of Chinese Medicine empowers students, practitioners, and anyone interested in exploring this profound healing system.