Equine Reproductive Procedures *US HARDCOVER* by John Dascanio and Patrick McCue {9781119555988} {1119555981}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: John Dascanio and Patrick McCue
  • ISBN13: 9781119555988
  • ISBN10: 1119555981
  • Type: Hardcover Book.

By: John Dascanio and Patrick McCue Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Title: Equine Reproductive Procedures, Second Edition

Target Audience: Professionals and students in equine healthcare, including veterinarians, veterinary students, and equine theriogenologists.

Focus: This comprehensive reference offers in-depth coverage of equine reproductive health, encompassing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for stallions, mares, and foals.

Key Features:

  • Up-to-date: Reflects the latest advancements in equine reproductive management.
  • Practical: Provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for various procedures.
  • Comprehensive: Covers the entire spectrum of equine reproductive healthcare, from the non-pregnant mare to the pregnant mare and foal care.
  • User-friendly: Features a clear writing style and includes visuals for clarity.
  • Enhanced: Includes new techniques not found in the first edition and updated information on existing procedures.
  • Supplemental Resources: Provides lists of necessary equipment and references for further study.

Overall, Equine Reproductive Procedures, Second Edition, serves as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in equine reproductive health, offering a practical and comprehensive guide to enhance their knowledge and skills in this specialized field.