Osborn's Brain *US HARDCOVER* 3rd Ed. by Anne Osborn, Luke Linscott, Karen Salzman - {9780443109379} {0443109370}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Anne G. Osborn
  • ISBN13: 9780443109379
  • ISBN10: 0443109370
  • Type: Hardcover Book.

By: Anne G. Osborn Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Dr. Anne G. Osborn's renowned textbook, Osborn's Brain, 3rd Edition, offers a comprehensive and visually captivating journey into the realm of brain imaging. This fully revised edition transcends traditional textbooks by integrating essential anatomy, diverse imaging modalities, and gross pathology for a holistic understanding of neurological conditions.

What Sets It Apart:

  • Dr. Osborn's Expertise: Blends her vast knowledge of neuroradiology, neurosurgery, and neuropathology into a unified learning experience.
  • Structured Learning: Guides readers through foundational neuroanatomy and common pathologies before delving deeper into specific topics.
  • Multimodal Insights: Leverages CT, MRI, and other imaging techniques to provide a comprehensive picture of brain abnormalities.
  • Cutting-Edge Knowledge: Covers new brain tumor entities, COVID-19's impact on the brain, and recently identified diseases.
  • Visual Learning Powerhouse: Features over 4,000 high-resolution images and detailed illustrations for enhanced comprehension.

Key Takeaways:

  • Solid foundation in normal brain anatomy and its connection to imaging findings.
  • In-depth understanding of various brain pathologies and their imaging characteristics.
  • Enhanced diagnostic skills through integrated knowledge of imaging, pathology, and anatomy.
  • Confidence in interpreting complex neuroimaging findings for informed clinical decisions.

Overall, Osborn's Brain, 3rd Edition, empowers healthcare professionals, from seasoned neuroradiologists to residents, with the knowledge and skills to excel in the ever-evolving field of brain imaging. Its unique blend of expertise, multimodality approach, and visual richness makes it an invaluable resource for both learning and refining skills in neurodiagnosis.