FYI: For Your Improvement - Competencies Development Guide by Michael M. Barnfield, Heather; Lombardo, 6th edition

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Michael M. Barnfield, Heather; Lombardo
  • ISBN13: 9781933578903
  • ISBN10: 1933578904
  • Type: Paperback Book.
  • Pages: 580

By: Michael M. Barnfield, Heather; Lombardo Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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This book for managers and coaches describes the 67 workplace competencies in Lominger's Leadership Architect® suite of leadership development products. With each description of a competency are ten suggestions for making improvements. There are also descriptions of 19 career stallers and stoppers with ten remedies for each. An additional seven global focus areas describe competencies necessary for managing across borders. The appendices have tools for self-analysis and making action plans for improvement. Includes index and bibliographical references.