Radial Flow Turbocompressors *US HARDCOVER* Design, Analysis, and Applications by Michael Casey - {9781108416672} {1108416675}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Michael Casey
  • ISBN13: 9781108416672
  • ISBN10: 1108416675
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Language : English
  • Item Weight: 1.55
  • Pages: 786

By: Michael Casey Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Demystifying Radial Flow Turbocompressors

"Radial Flow Turbocompressors" by Casey and Robinson offers a comprehensive guide to the theory, engineering practices, and applications of these critical components. Geared towards advanced students and engineers, the book delves into the design, analysis, and performance optimization of radial flow turbocompressors.

Key Features:

  • Target audience: Advanced students and practicing engineers (mechanical and aerospace)
  • Theoretical foundation: Strong foundation in design and analysis principles
  • Design and analysis tools: Explores various methods for performance, flow, and structural integrity analysis
  • Performance optimization: Discusses strategies for efficient and stable operation
  • Wide application coverage: Covers diverse applications, including gas turbines, engines, and industrial processes

Beyond the theoretical framework, the book explores:

  • Component design: Explains design principles for various components (inlet guide vanes, impellers, diffusers, etc.)
  • Flow stability: Examines factors impacting stability and strategies to prevent issues
  • Structural integrity: Discusses its importance and methods for ensuring safe and reliable operation
  • Performance maps: Provides insights into interpretation and utilization

This valuable resource equips readers with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Understand the design, analysis, and application of radial flow turbocompressors
  • Design and analyze efficient and reliable compressors for various applications
  • Stay current with advancements and best practices in turbomachinery