CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulas *US HARDCOVER* 33rd Ed. by Daniel Zwillinger - {9781498777803}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Daniel Zwillinger
  • ISBN13: 9781498777803
  • ISBN10: 1498777805
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Language : English
  • Item Weight: 1.392
  • Dimensions: 15.6 x 23.4 x 4.6
  • Pages: 872
  • Edition: 33

By: Daniel Zwillinger Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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This comprehensive reference, containing over 6,000 entries, offers mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and students a vast collection of formulas, tables, figures, and detailed explanations across various mathematical disciplines. Authored by Daniel Zwillinger, the 33rd edition of this renowned resource expands upon its predecessors with new content, features, and accessibility.

Key strengths:

  • Extensive scope: Covers a wide range of mathematical areas, including algebra, calculus, number theory, probability, statistics, numerical analysis, and more.
  • Depth and detail: Provides not only formulas but also explanations, derivations, and examples for better understanding and application.
  • Up-to-date content: Incorporates recent advancements and discoveries in various fields of mathematics.
  • Visual aids: Features numerous diagrams, charts, and graphs to enhance comprehension and visualization.
  • Hard-to-find information: Includes tables and formulas not readily available online, making it a unique resource.

Content overview:

  • Fundamental concepts: Covers basic arithmetic, counting, number systems, and sequences.
  • Algebraic structures: Explores polynomials, equations, inequalities, matrices, vector spaces, and group theory.
  • Calculus and analysis: Delves into differentiation, integration, differential equations, and multivariable calculus.
  • Special functions: Introduces gamma functions, Bessel functions, hypergeometric functions, and elliptic integrals.
  • Probability and statistics: Provides information on probability distributions, statistical methods, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.
  • Numerical analysis: Covers interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, root-finding methods, and numerical linear algebra.

New in this edition:

  • Five new topics: Includes coverage of max plus algebra, financial options, pseudospectra, proof methods, and couple analogues.
  • Updated content: Reflects new discoveries and advancements in various mathematical areas.
  • Enlarged trim size: Provides more space for detailed explanations and visuals.
  • Additional features: Practical, ready-to-use information, coverage of unfamiliar topics like visual proofs, and hard-to-find information like conformal mapping tables and integral tables.
  • New function descriptions: Introduces Lambert, prolate spheroidal, and Weierstrass functions.