Fundamentals of Aerodynamics *US HARDCOVER* 6th Ed. by John Anderson - {9781259129919} {1259129918}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: John Anderson
  • ISBN13: 9781259129919
  • ISBN10: 1259129918
  • Type: Hardcover Book.

By: John Anderson Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 6th Edition by John D. Anderson


This highly regarded textbook, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, by John D. Anderson, serves as a cornerstone for understanding the principles of aerodynamics. Published in its sixth edition, the book offers a comprehensive and detailed explanation of aeronautical concepts, making it a valuable resource for students, engineers, and professionals in the field of aerospace engineering.

Key Themes

  • Fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics relevant to aeronautics
  • Applications of Bernoulli's equation and Navier-Stokes equations
  • Airfoil theory and wing design principles
  • Drag and lift forces acting on aircraft
  • Boundary layer theory and its impact on aerodynamic performance
  • Compressible flow and concepts of shock waves
  • Fundamentals of aircraft performance, stability, and control


  • Employs a conversational writing style to make complex topics approachable for beginners.
  • Integrates historical background and anecdotes to add context and spark interest.
  • Provides learning objectives at the start of each chapter to guide student focus.
  • Includes numerous figures, diagrams, and problem sets to solidify understanding and encourage practical application.
  • Offers a solutions manual (available for purchase) for selected problems.

Target Audience

  • Aerospace engineering students at undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Practicing aeronautical engineers seeking a reference guide
  • Anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the science of flight


  • Clear and engaging writing style
  • Rich pedagogical tools for learning reinforcement
  • In-depth coverage of theoretical foundations and practical applications
  • Up-to-date content reflecting advancements in aeronautical science
  • Offers a solutions manual for self-study or instructor-led courses

Chapter Headlines (Examples may vary)

  • Introduction to Aerodynamics
  • Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Mechanics
  • Incompressible Inviscid Flow
  • Airfoils and Drag
  • Boundary Layer Theory
  • Incompressible Viscous Flow
  • Dimensional Analysis and Similitude
  • Compressible Flow
  • Fundamentals of Gasdynamics
  • Airfoil Theory for Compressible Flow
  • Drag in Compressible Flow
  • Fundamentals of Aircraft Performance
  • Aircraft Stability and Control
  • Wind Tunnels and Experimental Methods

Closing Paragraph

"Fundamentals of Aerodynamics" by John D. Anderson equips readers with a strong foundation in the theoretical and practical aspects of aerodynamics. Through its clear explanations, engaging style, and valuable learning aids, this book remains a classic resource for students and professionals in the field of aerospace engineering.