Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice *US HARDCOVER* 2nd Ed. Companion and Aviary Birds by Bob Doneley - {9781482260205}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Bob Doneley
  • ISBN13: 9781482260205
  • ISBN10: 1482260204
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Pages: 495 Pages

By: Bob Doneley Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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"Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice"

Aimed at both veterinary professionals and students, this informative guide offers a comprehensive overview of avian health and treatment.

The book opens with practical chapters covering foundational knowledge, including physical examination techniques, interpreting diagnostic tests, and understanding avian anatomy and physiology. It then dives deep into various disorders affecting different body systems, both external (covering skin, feathers, eyes, and legs) and internal (including the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems).

Beyond disease management, the book explores additional aspects of avian well-being, such as addressing behavioral problems, egg incubation, and pediatric care. This second edition boasts extensive updates, featuring revised content on diseases, expanded clinical techniques, and over 100 new illustrations.

Furthermore, the book introduces four entirely new chapters, delving into:

  • Husbandry, grooming, and nutrition
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Endoscopy
  • Oncology

Additionally, new sections have been added to explore cardiovascular and neuroanatomy in greater detail.

Overall, "Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice" serves as a valuable resource for anyone involved in avian healthcare, offering a practical and informative guide to maintaining and treating bird health.