The Military Balance 2022 *US PAPERBACK* by International Institute for Strategic Studies - {9781032279008} {1032279001}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: International Institute for Strategic Studies
  • ISBN13: 9781032279008
  • ISBN10: 1032279001
  • Type: Paperback Book.
  • Item Weight: 0.001332
  • Pages: 504

By: International Institute for Strategic Studies Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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"The Military Balance 2022" by International Institute for Strategic Studies:


  • Title: The Military Balance 2022
  • Author: International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

Key Themes

  • This annual publication is an indispensable reference to the military capabilities and defense economics of 171 countries worldwide.
  • It provides detailed information on personnel numbers, equipment inventories, and defense spending figures.
  • The Military Balance also assesses important defense issues by region, as well as key global trends, such as in defense technology and equipment modernization.


  • Provides a comprehensive assessment of the military capabilities of 171 countries.
  • Includes detailed information on personnel numbers, equipment inventories, and defense spending figures.
  • Assesses important defense issues by region.
  • Analyzes key global trends in defense technology and equipment modernization.
  • Offers compelling graphics and illustrations throughout the book.
  • Includes a full-color wall chart assessing Arctic security dynamics (depending on the edition).

Target Audience

  • This book is a valuable resource for a wide range of readers, including:
    • Government officials
    • Military personnel
    • Defense analysts
    • Academics
    • Journalists
    • Anyone interested in international security issues


  • The Military Balance is a highly respected and trusted source of information on global military capabilities.
  • It is comprehensive and up-to-date, providing the latest data on military forces around the world.
  • The book is well-organized and easy to use, with clear and concise information.
  • It offers valuable insights into global defense trends and challenges.

Chapter Headlines (Examples only, may vary in the actual book)

  • Part One: Capabilities, Trends and Economics
    • Chapter 1: The Military Balance in 2022
    • Chapter 2: Trends in Defence Spending
    • Chapter 3: Defence Economics
  • Part Two: Reference

Closing Paragraph

The Military Balance 2022 is an essential resource for anyone who needs to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in global military capabilities. It provides a wealth of information on military forces around the world, as well as insights into key defense trends and challenges.