Clinical Assessment Workbook *US PAPERBACK* 2nd Ed. Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis by Elizabeth Pomeroy - {9781285748887}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Elizabeth Pomeroy
  • ISBN13: 9781285748887
  • ISBN10: 1285748883
  • Type: Paperback Book.
  • Language : English
  • Item Weight: 0.975
  • Dimensions: 21.6 x 26.7 x 1.9

By: Elizabeth Pomeroy Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Empowering Mental Health Assessment: A Review of the Clinical Assessment Workbook

This interactive workbook guides students in mental health programs towards mastering clinical assessment skills. Highlighting the significance of integrating both client strengths and weaknesses in diagnosis, it delves into various mental disorders like anxiety, mood, personality, and psychotic disorders.

Key Features for Skill Development:

  • Real-world scenarios: Diverse client examples illustrate the assessment process in practical contexts.
  • Interactive exercises: Each chapter offers targeted activities to hone various assessment skills, covering areas like conducting interviews, administering tests, and interpreting results.
  • Case studies: Immersive case studies enable students to apply their learned skills to real-world situations, either individually or collaboratively.
  • Grounded in DSM-5: The content adheres to the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), ensuring students learn up-to-date diagnostic criteria.

Structured Exploration:

The workbook unfolds in four sections:

  • Foundations of Clinical Assessment: This introductory section lays the groundwork with fundamentals like different assessment types, the assessment process, and cultural competence.
  • Assessing Specific Disorders: This section dives into assessing various mental disorders, categorized as anxiety, mood, personality, and psychotic disorders.
  • Advanced Assessment Topics: This section delves into more complex assessment areas such as risk assessment, forensic assessment, and neuropsychological assessment.
  • Resource Library: This final section equips students with valuable resources for further learning about clinical assessment.

Benefits for Aspiring Professionals:

  • Sharpened Assessment Skills: Students gain confidence and competence in conducting clinical assessments.
  • DSM-5 Expertise: They acquire in-depth knowledge of the latest diagnostic criteria outlined in the DSM-5.
  • Real-world Application: Hands-on exercises and case studies prepare students to apply their skills in practical scenarios.
  • Boosted Confidence: Mastering assessment skills fosters confidence in future practice.