Microwave Engineering *US HARDCOVER* 4th Edition by David Pozar - {9780470631553} {0470631554}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: David M. Pozar
  • ISBN13: 9780470631553
  • ISBN10: 0470631554
  • Type: Hardcover Book.
  • Language : English
  • Item Weight: 1.316
  • Dimensions: 18 x 25.9 x 3.3

By: David M. Pozar Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Unveiling the intricacies of Microwaves: A Look at "Microwave Engineering, 4th Edition"

David M. Pozar's "Microwave Engineering, 4th Edition" establishes itself as a comprehensive resource for understanding the foundations, design, and applications of microwave and radio frequency (RF) technologies. This updated edition caters to engineers, researchers, and students seeking to delve into this crucial field.

Key strengths of this edition include:

  • Extensive coverage: It explores various facets of microwave engineering, encompassing fundamental electromagnetic theory, practical circuit design, and real-world system applications.
  • Solid foundation: The book provides a strong grounding in the core principles, including wave analysis, transmission lines, network analysis, and field theory.
  • Practical focus: Real-world design considerations are emphasized through coverage of topics like impedance matching, filters, amplifiers, and oscillators.
  • Fresh content: The edition incorporates the latest advancements, including RF CMOS circuits, power waves, and transient analysis.

Who can benefit from this book?

  • Engineers: Working in fields like wireless communication, radar, radiometry, and microwave systems design.
  • Researchers: Involved in developing new microwave technologies and applications.
  • Students: Pursuing degrees in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or related fields with a focus on microwaves and RF.

Key areas covered:

  • Fundamental principles: Introduction to Maxwell's equations, wave propagation, and transmission lines.
  • Network analysis: Techniques for analyzing and designing microwave circuits, including S-parameters and Smith charts.
  • Components: In-depth exploration of essential microwave components like filters, amplifiers, mixers, and antennas.
  • Systems: Applications of microwave technology in various fields, including wireless communication, radar, and radiometry.
  • Design techniques: Practical considerations for designing microwave circuits and systems, including optimization methods.

"Microwave Engineering, 4th Edition" is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of microwave engineering.
  • Develop the knowledge and skills necessary for designing, analyzing, and simulating microwave circuits and systems.
  • Stay informed about the latest advancements and applications in the field.