Consumer Behavior *US PAPERBACK* 8th Ed. by Wayne Hoyer, Deborah MacInnis - {9780357721292} {0357721292}

  • Condition: Brand New.
  • Author: Wayne D. Hoyer
  • ISBN13: 9780357721292
  • ISBN10: 0357721292
  • Type: Paperback Book.

By: Wayne D. Hoyer Availability: In Stock Condition: Brand New.

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Demystifying Consumer Choices: A Look at "Consumer Behavior"

"Consumer Behavior, 8th Edition" by Hoyer, MacInnis, and Pieters offers a comprehensive look at the multifaceted world of consumers and their choices. This text, geared towards students seeking a strong foundation in the field, integrates insights from marketing, psychology, sociology, and anthropology to provide a holistic perspective.

Key Features:

  • Target Audience: Primarily undergraduate students seeking to understand consumer behavior.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Draws from various disciplines to offer a comprehensive understanding.
  • Practical Focus: Integrates current research and business practices, highlighting the real-world application of concepts.
  • Consumer-Centric: Emphasizes understanding consumer needs, goals, and decision-making processes to develop effective marketing strategies.
  • Evolving Landscape: Examines emerging trends such as social media, influencer marketing, and ethical considerations in marketing.

Beyond fundamental concepts, the text explores:

  • Consumer decision-making: Unveils the factors influencing individual and organizational purchase decisions.
  • The role of emotions: Examines how emotions impact various aspects of consumer behavior.
  • Crafting positive experiences: Emphasizes the importance of creating memorable experiences across all touchpoints.
  • Understanding consumer influences: Explores the impact of individual, social, and cultural factors on consumer behavior.

"Consumer Behavior" equips students with the knowledge and tools to critically analyze consumer behavior and develop effective marketing strategies in today's dynamic and interconnected world.